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Professional Education for Career Advancement

Through our member partners you can take individual classes and obtain certifications in today’s most sought-after fields of study; Information technology, Medical Field, Project Management, and hundreds more all from the world’s top learning institutions.

  • Specialty Classes – Geared toward advancing your career

  • Certifications –  Beginner to Advanced (proven to build up your resume)

  • E-Learning – Any device, any location, and at your own pace.

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Online Learning at your own pace

Education from the worlds top learning institutions

IA Capital provides Full Scholarships to qualified individuals;

  • FREE Education for Veterans

  • FREE Education for Low-income Individuals

  • FREE Education for Minorities

  • FREE Education for At-Risk-Youths

1,900 +   

courses in subjects such as humanities, math, computer science

14 Million +

learners worldwide, representing every country

52 Million +

Total Enrollments

Introducing: Fast Path to a Masters Degree

MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate level courses from top universities designed to advance your career. They provide deep learning in a specific career field and are recognized by employers for their real job relevance. Students may apply to the university offering credit for the MicroMasters certificate and, if accepted, can pursue an accelerated and less expensive Master’s Degree.

Pursue a Full Master’s Degree

Apply to the university that accepts your MicroMasters certificate for credit and, if accepted, the certificate will accelerate your degree.

Choose Your Program

MicroMasters programs from prestigious universities are designed for top careers. Choose the one that’s best for you.

Learn at Your Pace


Complete each course, whenever and wherever you choose – this is mastery made flexible!

Earn a Valuable Credential

Prove you’ve gained the critical knowledge and in-demand skills to stand out in your field.

Advance Your Career

MicroMasters programs are validated by top-tier companies to ensure a competitive advantage for career success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does completion of a MicroMasters Credential guarantee admission to the University Master’s program?

No, earning a MicroMasters certificate does not guarantee admission to a full Master’s program. If you apply and are accepted into the on-campus or online program that is associated with your MicroMasters program, the MicroMasters credential will count toward the degree. To successfully earn a MicroMasters credential you must finish all courses/exams/projects with passing grades (determined by each university) and earn Verified Certificates for each course.

Does every MicroMasters credential count as the same number of credits towards a master’s degree?

The number of credits offered varies across MicroMasters programs. Each university determines the number of credits the MicroMasters certificate will count as towards the on-campus degree.

Does a MicroMasters credential guarantee me an interview or a job with the company that recognizes the program?

While earning a MicroMasters certificate will give you the tools to excel in the industry and area of focus of the program, it does not guarantee you an interview or job. You can share your credential on your LinkedIn page and resume to demonstrate your accomplishments and highlight your knowledge.

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